May 03, 2006

Is Nuclear Energy Iranians' Absolute Right?

well, it is Iranians' right to have Nuclear Energy, but the question here is: is it worth? Is it that important to gang up the rest of the world against us? Are we that much in need of such an energy that even going into a war (whether cold or hot) with United States is worth it? The damage that the sanctions will impose on Iranian economy will be far more than years of benefit that Iranians will gain through the Nuclear power. Yet we assume that Islamic Republic's Nuclear program is peaceful, ignoring our handsome, cute president.

And trust me there are far greater problems in Iran than having a cheap energy. Even if one is willing to strengthen the Iran's economy and produce cheap energy, it is more rational to build oil refinery plants, so that we will not have to sell the oil to west and then buy refined petroleum from them in a far more expensive price.

Conclusion: Nuclear Enrgy is Iranians' absolute left!

Read this article on Workers protest in Iran

1 comment:

Faiz Ahmad Ali said...

I like your conspiracy theory. But, i'm still waiting for the day your president puts on a wifebeater and fights with a bunch of US dignitaries. What balls hes got! loll