November 21, 2007

New Look, New Policies

Dear Visitors,

I appreciate all your support. I know I don't have that many frequent visitors, and I know the reason. As my variety of submissions are very wide, I get a lot of one time visitors and not many returning ones. So as of now I will categorize the postings in different genres, which are: Cinema, Music, Visual Arts, and Philosophy.

I am happy to have visitors from as far as Saudi Arabia, and Chile. I hope you find the material here helpful to your research and/or curiosity.

There had been also a funny incident. Something like 4 month ago I had a posting on Guerrilla Girls, and in that post there was a non explicit image which was called nude.gif, now because of this image the traffic to my blog has been almost tripled. So a special thanks to perverts for boosting my google location! :)

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